Wednesday, April 11, 2012


honestly it is no easy to have a long distance relationship. we need trust n honesty. dats the basic for having a long distance relationship. in dis situasion with my not easy...but i hv to put a 100% trust on him...n be honest with him especially wit ur self.. a few tips dat i found in the internet.:

1- Use the phone

Natasha Grach and her boyfriend have been together for seven years, and it was not easy at first. "We started our relationship apart for six months -- we were both college freshmen and he was in Russia studying abroad," she explains. "We kept things going by talking on the phone a lot -- sometimes as much as six to seven hours at a time!"

And to make matters worse, talking on the phone for that long wasn't cheap. "Yes, there were calling cards, but that was such a hassle for us and they ran out really quickly with all those maintenance charges," she adds.

Grach advises not to let the logistics get in the way of talking on the phone with your partner everyday -- it's one of the most important things you can do to make a long distance relationship work.

The good news that is even if your cell phone plan doesn't include unlimited national long distance -- or your love lives outside the country's borders -- you still have options.

To cut on the phone costs, she suggests using a service like VoxOx, a free Web application that combines Skype, Vonage, Google Voice and Digsby. That way, you can communicate with your beau without a financial hurdle.

2- Take advantage of other modes of communication

If you can't reach each another on the phone, then e-mail, IM and text messaging will do, says Falzone. "When you're stuck in a meeting halfway across the world, it's always heartwarming to receive a loving text message from your sweetheart," he points out. "Set aside a certain time, every day, to connect with each other."

With such busy lives and so many obligations pulling at you from all different directions, it's easy to neglect communicating. Using other modes of communication will keep you and your partner close even though you're technically far away from each other.

3- Keep the romance alive

You and your beau might not see each other every day, but it's important to keep the love going and present. "Give a little something -- mail a gift, write a love song, send a balloon-o-gram, order lunch and have it delivered to your honey -- just make it happen," says Falzone.

"You're not physically together all the time to enjoy those little extras that your sweetheart might do for you (like bringing you a latte made just the way you like it). Your sweetie will feel cherished knowing that you're thinking of him enough to send a special surprise." Plus, he will probably return the gesture and will make you feel super-special.

4- Partake in an even-trip exchange

Odds are you and your love will be visiting each other. It's important to make this even to avoid a disgruntled other-half. "Make sure that each person takes a turn visiting the other's city," says Debra Berndt, a dating and relationship expert, and author of the book, "Let Love In." "This way no one feels as though they are doing all the traveling, thus making all the effort in the relationship."

5- Don't take things (too) personally

Things will get in the way so be prepared. Since you and your partner live separately, odds are you'll maintain your lives in your own cities (as you probably should). It will help your relationship if you remain understanding and flexible.

"Changes in plans come up, work gets in the way and family emergencies emerge as a normal part of life. If your partner cancels a trip, do not take it personally and make a huge deal over the change (unless it becomes a regular pattern of behavior)," says Berndt. "Remember that you accepted the relationship as it is and must adjust to last minute cancellations as part of the deal."

Monday, March 19, 2012


This year birhday aku sgt meaningful..walaupun xcelebrate mcm org lain with cakes n presents yg byk tp bgg aku dis. Year cukup brmakna. For the first time ayah send an sms wish bday utk aku. Terharu..before slalu lupa but diis year die siap wish lg. Celebrate with cousins shida n aswad. Even just mkn2 d uptown damansara tp utk pertama kali celebrate with cousins yg same bulan n tahun cume beza ari je. And lastly first time celebrate with my love one, boyfriend. B4 dis xpenah sempat nk celebrate with a boyfriend n dpt present dr a boyfriend. But dis year he made my day so meaningful. Even xde kek o bwk aku pg xpensive restaurant tp the important thing is die ade dgn aku..dat enuf..i love u, i lov my dad n i love my cousins..i love u all.. And thanks for all the wishes..;-)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Ya Allah..kuatkan semangat aku utk face sume masalah. Yg aku hadap skang ni..sesungguhnye aku sgt lemah..d pendam sakit pada siapa aku nk mengadu? Xde sapa nk dgr rintihan aku..besa dugaan yg Kau bg pada aku. Mak..i wish u here. Aku dh xmampu. Sungguh aku dh tak mampu. Im all alone..

Friday, February 10, 2012


Have a question. Antara sahabat dh kekasih mane lg penting? Bg aku dua2 penting..kwn-kalau jodoh xpanjang dgn kekasih, we'll always go back to frens, best frens.. Tp if jodoh panjang n kawin, kte akan selamanyenye ngn kekasih, time tu kwn pn akan renggang. Tetap akn berkawan tp tak akan sama mcm sblm kawin. So cmne?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012



kau yang paling setia, kau yang teristimewa
kau yang aku cinta, cuma engkau saja
dari semua pria aku yang juara
dari semua wanita kau yang paling sejiwa
*courtesy of
denganmu semua air mata menjadi tawa suka ria
akankah kau selalu ada menemani dalam suka duka
denganmu aku bahagia, denganmu semua ceria
janganlah kau berpaling dariku karena kamu cuma satu untukku

kau satu-satunya dan tak ada dua
apalagi tiga, cuma engkau saja

denganmu semua air mata menjadi tawa suka ria
akankah kau selalu ada menemani dalam suka duka
denganmu aku bahagia, denganmu semua ceria
janganlah kau berpaling dariku karena kamu cuma satu untukku

kau satu-satunya dan tak ada dua
apalagi tiga, cuma engkau saja
dari semua pria aku yang juara (aku yang juara)
dari semua wanita kau yang paling sejiwa

denganmu semua air mata menjadi tawa suka ria
akankah kau selalu ada menemani dalam suka duka
denganmu aku bahagia, denganmu semua ceria
janganlah kau berpaling dariku karena kamu cuma satu untukku
untukku, untukku, untukku, untukku



Saturday, February 4, 2012


Sampai skrg aku jarang sangat masok bilik tido ayah n arwah mak. Jarang sekali, kalau masok pn sbb nk amik baju o nk masok toilet sbb tak tahan. Sampai sekarang aku tak de letak gambar arwah mak dlm bilik aku. Kalau ade pn kecik o gmbr lme. Sampai sekarang boleh di bilang dgn jari berapa kali je aku pergi melawat kubur arwah. Cume sedekahkan ayat2 n doa dr jauh. Sampai sekarang aku kaalau bole nk elakkan dr dok sorg2 pd lewat malam. Atau aku akn end up menangis teresak2 teringatkan arwah.. Aku tau tak baik tp aku trlalu rindukan arwah.



Monday, January 23, 2012


Hampir 1 jam aku bermonolog dgn diri aku sendiri. Tentang apa? Tentang hidup aku yg belum pasti kesudahannya seperti apa. Akan kah aku hidup bahagia bersama org tersayang? Akan kah aku mempunyai pewaris DNA aku? Bagaimakah kehidupan aku pada hari esok, lusa dan seterusnya? Alangkan bagus kalau kita tahu apa yg menanti kite pada esok hari agar kite lebih bersiap sedia. Tapi tu semua tidak mungkin kerana kita tidak tahu dialog2 atau skrip2 yang telah di rencana kan oleh Allah S.W.T..

Walaubagaimana pun di setiap apa yg terjadi, ada hikmahnya. Di setiap apa yg terjadii ada sebab nya. Cuba imbas dan tanya pada diri sendiri.. ''kenapa aku macam ni?'' ada jwapannya. Dan setiap jawapan itu cuba fikir kenapa dan kenapa. Anda akan lihat kesinambungan di atas apa yg terjadi tu.

Kenapa aku keseorangan di sini tanpa kawan2 dan tanpa kerjaya yang aku idamkan? Sebab nanti ayah. Akan keseorangan. Kenapa ayah keseorangan?. Sebab cinta hati ayah telah di jemput menemui Ilahi dan tiada siapa yang akan menjaga ayah. Sebab apa cinta hati ayah pergi meninggalkan ayah?. Sebab cinta hati ayah mengidap penyakit barah hati dan buah pinggang sudah tidah berfungsi. Dan seterusnya. Jika mahu menulis sebab apa terjadi segala sebab, tidak cukup ruangan ini. Kesimpulannya, semua yg terjadi kepada diri kita ni ada sebab nya. ALLAH ciptakan sebab kerana Dia mahu kita berfikir dengan segala apa yg kita buat dan segala tingkah laku kita, jika berbuat yang tak elok maka tidak elok lah hasil nya dan jika kita berbuat yg elok maka elok la hasilnya. Jika kita sudah berbuat elok tapi hasilnya tidak elok..maka itu ialah takdir, kerana Allah telah menyediakan yang lagi baik dan elok untuk kita. Tpsudah namanyaa manusia, kita akan rasa tidak berpuas hati dengan apa yang berlaku kerana kita tidak sabar. Kerana manusia tidak sempurna.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


He'd been away for a week. Balik sarawak. Yes he's sarawakian. Org jauh. Tp bekeje d kl. Aku ingt lg mse arwah kt hospital n die dtg melawat, one of my cousin in-law kecoh (not actualy kecoh la) he said to my mum ''tgk ni ha dr sarawak dtg melawat makjang..bgun la''..mase tu arwah dh xbape nk ingat n dh xbole bersuara dh. Arwah juz pandang terkebil2 tgk die. Hope she know dat the guy yg die lihat n pandang tu adalah org yg aku brsama ketika ni n I really hope he will b my last one coz die (adim) was my last guy fren yg arwah jumpe... I miz both of u..arwah n him. Ur little girl is missing u soo much...:-(

Monday, January 9, 2012


Aku tau aku xsempurna.. Dr semua segi..physicly yes lengkap semua nye, bt. My atitude, my self'esteem...hmm... Juz wanna share everything, susah senang bt sometimes org yg kte willing to sacrifice pk, we want to control them. No im not, no, we r not. It juz naluri perempuan.
Alang kan bagus kalau org yg kte syg tu tau wat r we really feel inside our heart. Wat r we really thingking. Sometime women ssh untuk interpret ape yg die btol2 rase yg kdg2 d salah ertikan atau trsalah sangka sbb dat poor girl do know how to xplain o to xpress their self. End up...arguement..haih...

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Jika benar kau sakit ketika bersama ku,
aku relakan kau pergi.
jika benar kau kecewa bersamaku,
aku relakan kau pergi.
mungkin mencintai ku hanya menyeksakan jiwa mu
maka aku rela kan kau pergi.
aku tidak layak di cintai dan di sayangi
oleh orang seikhlas kau.
dan kau terlalu baik untuk wanita seperti aku
yg tak pernah puas dan bersyukur dengan
apa yang ada di depan mata.

Fuyoo..jiwang giler..heheh

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Dh lame tak menulis..2 bln kebelakangan ni bz skit..selang seminggu trun kl then holiday wit family n makcik n pakcik n bestfren get married n new year..seronok dpt trun kl selalu, dpt jmpe si die. N paling lame cuti new year dat day, 4 ari kt kl n 4 ari tu jgk la aku rindu ayah kt ipo. Bt im sure he's fine.
Missing him like hell. After balik dr kl new year ari tu, si die trus demam terok. Kate nye the worst yg die penah alami. Kalau la aku d kl, aku akan jge die. Risau sungguh. Family die dh la jauh. Kwn2 pn bz ngn keje. Die trpakse jge diri snedir. Yes I knw die lelaki n bole jge diri sendiri. Tp admit it, kalau kte demam o sakit, we need more attention. Kte akan jd more sensitif. N plus, I love him, ofkoz aku nk jge die, tp too bad, aku jauh. Wish to b right by ur side. I knw u need someone n im sorie I cant b there. Aku cume mampu jge die dr jauh je. I'll always pray for u. Hope u akan cpt seemboh.rindu u sgt..rndu nk ckp ngn u..dh lame xdating dlm fon..cepat la sehat. Dh lme xdgr u gelak n wat wat lawak bodoh. Ohh my..rindu nye.hmm...
Will upload pictures from holiday n my besfren wedding soon..
Once again..i miz u soo much..cepat2 la sehat..